Titles- P

Pacific Marine Fishes of Southern Japan and the Ryukus- Burgess and Axelrod
Pacific Marine Fishes of Southern Japan and the Western Pacific- Burgess and Axelrod
Pacific Marine Fishes of Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Mombassa- Burgess and Axelrod
Pacific Marine Fishes of Taiwan and Adjacent Waters- Burgess and Axelrod
Paddle to the Amazon- Don Starkell
Paddling of Ducks, A- Dillon Ripley
Painted Bird, The- Jerzy Kosinski
Painter from Shanghai, The - Jennifer Cody Epstein
Pandas- Heather Angel
Paradise Under Glass- Ruth Kassinger
Parrot's Lament, The- Eugene Linden
Parrot Who Owns Me, The- Joanna Burger
Parsival, or a Knight's Tale - Richard Monaco
Passage to India, A- E.M. Forster
Past Due- Anne Finger
Pastels Made Easy - Anne Heywood
Pastwatch - Orson Scott Card
Path of the Pronghorn- Cat Urbigkit
Paths of Desire - Dominique Browning
Pattern of the Tiger- Stanwell Fletcher
Pax- Sara Pennypacker
Peaceable Kingdom, The- John Sedgwick
Peacock Spring, The- Rumer Godden
Pegasus- Robin McKinley
Pen and Ink Book, The- Jos A. Smith
Peony- Pearl S. Buck
People of the Abyss, The - Jack London
People of the Blue Water - Flora Gregg Iliff
People of the Book- Geraldine Brooks
People of the Deer - Farley Mowat
People of the Sea- Michael and Kathleen Gear
People of the Sky - Clare Bell
Personalities on the Plate - Barbara King
Peregrine Spring- Nancy Cowan
Phoebe and Her Unicorn- Dana Simpson
Picking Your Battles- Bonnie Maslin
Picture Maker- Penina Keen Spinka
Pig Tales- Barry Estabrook
Pig Who Sang to the Moon- Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
Pigeon and a Boy, A- Meir Shalev
Pigeons- Andrew Blechman
Pigs Don't Fly- Mary Brown
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek - Anne Dilliard
Pilot's Wife, The - Anita Shreve
Pincher Martin - William Golding
Pink Boots and a Machete- Mireya Mayor
Pitiful Gardener's Handbook, The - Connie and Cheney Eden
Pit's Letter- Sue Coe
Plague, The- Albert Camus
Plague Dogs, The - Richard Adams
Plain Truth, The- Jodi Picoult
Plainsong - Kent Haruf
Plant Life- Susan Berry and Steve Bradley
Pleasure of Believing - Anastasia Hobbet
Plenitude- Juliet Schor
Plumbelly- Gary S. Maynard
Poisonous- Angie Outis
Poisonwood Bible, The - Barbara Kingsolver
Polar Life- Susan Hayes and Joseph Lucas
Polysyllabic Spree, The - Nick Hornby
Poop- Nicola Davies
Popular Flowering Plants- H.L.V Fletcher
Potty Training Your Baby - Katie van Pelt
Power of Babel, The- John McWhorter
Power of One, The - Bryce Courtenay
Predator, The (Animorphs #5)- K.A. Applegate
Pregnancy Stories- Cecelia Cancellaro (editor)
Preludes and Nocturnes- Neil Gaiman
Pretender, The (Animorphs #23)- K.A. Applegate
Pride of Baghdad- Brian K. Vaughan
Primary Colors - Anonymous
Primate's Memoir, A- Robert M. Sapolsky
Princess - Jean Sasson
Princess Sultana's Circle - Jean Sasson
Princess Sultana's Daughters - Jean Sasson
Produce- Bruce Beck
Professor and the Madman, The- Simon Winchester
Project Seahorse- Pamela Turner
Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, The - Laura Schlessinger
Prophecy, The (Animorphs #34)- K.A. Applegate
Proposal, The (Animorphs #35)- K.A. Applegate
Psycho Kitty?- Pam Johnson-Bennett
Pukka- Ted Kerasote
Pukka's Promise- Ted Kerasote
Put Yourself in Their Shoes - Barbara Meltz
Pyewacket- Rosemary Weir

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