My wondrous words of the week come from three different books. These new words I found while reading
Cachalot- Use: "Most often they were small porpoises and toothed whales which gamboled about us in large schools on the surface of the water, but now and then there were big
cachalots, too..."
Definition: a sperm whale
Spurious- Use: "On this little sailing trip up to the
spurious reef we had learned quite a lot about the effectiveness of the centerboards..."
Definition: not genuine; false, invalid or lacking in authenticity
Anemometer- Use:"Herman was out all the time with his
anemometer measuring the squalls of gale force..."
Definition: an instrument that measures the force and speed of wind
Polyps- Use: "But this group of islands is also known as the Low or Dangerous Archipelago, because the whole formation has been built up entirely by coral
polyps and consists of treacherous submerged reefs..."
Definition: a small sea creature with a hollow cylindrical body and a ring of tentacles around the mouth
Do you know what's crazy about this word? I keep a dream diary. In one years back, I dreamt I was in a long dark room full of saltwater aquariums, and tiny marine creatures were escaping and floating in the air. I was trying to catch them, yelling about "the polyps!" But when I woke up I thought: what the heck is a
polyp? I must have met the word before, as I could draw it from the dream (something
like this), but consciously I had no idea what it was. (If I can find my old drawing, I'll share it with you.)
Copra- Use: "Teka had gradually acquired the supreme position because he could speak French and count and write, so that the village was not cheated when the schooner came from Tahiti to fetch
Definition: dried coconut flesh
These words I came across in
The Sheep Dog:
Scour: Use- "Some milk is good, but too much will cause
Definition: diarrhea in livestock
Mollycoddle: Use- "We don't want to encourage
mollycoddling, but we do want to give the pups a chance."
Definition: to be overprotective and indulgent
Wether: Use- "... going so fleet of foot as would outstrip a four-year-old mountain
Definition: a castrated ram
Tup: Use- "A 'clean gather' must be achieved... otherwise some ewes will be missing when the
tups go out, and their year's production will be lost."
Definition: a male sheep
Raddle: Use- "... the tups are caught to be fed, and
raddled with bright color on their chests to mark the ewes."
Definition: to mark sheep for identification
Speaned: Use- "At this stage some of the lambs may be
speaned, and the process of taking the lambs off the ewes causes some of the hardest work of the dog's year."
Definition: to wean
And these words I read in
Demesne: Use- "... nearly the entire citizenry of the
demesne seemed to have found an excuse to be somewhere in or near the House..."
Definition: realm, domain, estate or landed property
Suborn: Use- "The rods could not lie nor be
Definition: to bribe or incite (a person) to commit a wrongful act
Crabbed: Use- "...while she was urgently reading all the
crabbed and fusty old records she could lay her hands on..."
Definition: difficult to read or understand
Tisane: Use- "If you're going to offer me something to drink, Mirasol,
tisane would be nice, but your mead would be better."
Definition: a drink made of leaves, herbs or flowers
Sennight: Use- "Could you say to yourself, 'Yes, here is a break- a roughness, a troubling- that was not here a
sennight ago'?"
Definition: a week
Volatile: Use- "Last minute changes were destabilising, which was why battlefield cups, which were
perforce rare, were also notoriously
P definition: by necessity, forced by circumstances
V definition: inconstant, fickle; easily evaporating, fleeting
Orotund: Use- "The Grand Seneschal managed to insert an
orotund phrase or two..."
Definition: pompous, bombastic; or full of sound
Stooker: Use- "And once, as Mirasol skirted along a freshly cut field, she saw the late
stookers lifting and tossing their sheaves."
Definition: one who sets up sheaves of grain in the field
Eligary: Use- "Before the Master had been sent to Fire by his brother, he would have been trained to use a sword, an
eligary and a bow..."
I could not find a definition for this word. I'm assuming it's some kind of weapon. Does anyone know it?
Wondrous Words Wednesdays for more newly discovered words!