Jul 30, 2020

The Other

Animorphs #40
by K.A. Applegate

This one didn't really advance anything in the war against the aliens, but it was plenty interesting regardless. The Animorphs team discovers a pair of Andalites living in the suburbs- hidden in plain sight because one of then can morph human. The other is injured- missing his tail blade- and basically considered a worthless cripple in Andalite society. Ax certainly demonstrates this viewpoint, and the team roundly calls him out on it. These two new Andalites have been here all along, since the crash way back at the beginning of the series but never revealed themselves or joined the fight because one is caring for and protecting his friend who is disabled. However there's something suspicious going on- they seem to have some kind of deal worked out with the Visser. So the Animoprhs approach them cautiously, Marco and some of the team sneaking into the Andalites' house to spy on them and figure out what's going on. It ends up the disabled Andalite is being held captive by the enemy, and the team goes to battle an overwhelming number of Hork-Bajir in a derelict train yard to free him, with the new Andalite at their side. After which, the two go back to living in obscurity. Maybe they show up again later, I don't know. It was nice to see this book tackle the issues of prejudice in societies against the disabled, and after this I feel like Ax can never act so superior to the human race again.

I have this one on my e-reader, and it had a surprising number of typos. The last book had a few, marks indicating spoken dialog missing for the most part. This one had several words that didn't make sense, an entire two paragraphs repeated (starting in the middle of another sentence) and Jake at one point saying "HeCO which is - what? However after staring at the page baffled for a moment, I just continued on.

Rating: 3/5             144 pages, 2000

more opinions:


  1. Ahh! The podcast I mentioned said this was their next one to review (I'm months behind), and I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was about, so I was especially happy to see your review!

    There's a funny thing about the cover of this one. His t-shirt is morphing with him. Somehow it gets four arms!


  2. I'm so glad you pointed out that podcast to me. I'm really enjoying it! I've gone back to listen to them all from the beginning, while I do chores or puzzle. It's great.

    Yeah the covers can be really weird sometimes. As if the whole series isn't weird! I never paid a lot of attention to morph phases in the cover images until folks in the podcast started pointing them out.


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