Jul 9, 2020

Born on a Blue Day

Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant
by Daniel Tammet

Daniel is a very high-functioning autistic person with savant syndrome- he has an extraordinary ability to recall and compute large numbers- due in large part to his unique way of visualizing them as distinct shapes and colors. He has synesthesia with both numbers and words. And he suffered from epilepsy as a child. This memoir describes how he grew up, isolated in many ways yet enjoying his own sensations and obsessions (especially collecting things) and only when he was older having a desire to interact with peers learning to navigate social interactions and tasks like shopping or finding his way on bus routes. He describes difficulties in school, living in a large family (nine siblings!) and how he calms himself in stressful situations. How he volunteered to work overseas teaching English as a second language, how his aptitude for learning languages works, how he once memorized and recited 22,000 digits of the number pi to break a world record! (It took five hours to make the recitation). And finally, how he discovered that he's gay, fell in love, and moved in with his partner, living independently and successfully started a business creating a website to help people learn foreign languages. It's astounding. Most of all to me, the very different way in which he visualizes and understands the world. Last year I watched a documentary made about him and I was just blown away. Even the mental games he tells of playing as a child, with numbers, I can't really comprehend. Although the writing style is a bit dry, he recalls incidents with a lot of detail- even from a young age. Some of them sad, to see how peers at first shunned him, and teachers misunderstood. His story of overcoming challenges living with autism and finding his way in the world, to living independently with someone he loves and even finding religion, is very inspiring.

Rating: 3/5               226 pages, 2006

more opinions:


  1. What a fascinating story. I'm constantly amazed by the adaptability of the human spirit and mind.

    I have an autistic friend who has the uncanny ability to hear musical notes by seeing colors change in front of her. She has perfect pitch as a result, and can name every note as it changes when she is listening to live music. She also can remember exactly what she was doing on certain dates - and vice versa. Mention an event that happened to her, and she can instantly tell you the date it happened.

  2. It's so fascinating and amazing to me. This man too, could tell you what day of the week any date fell on- years ago or years in the future. He had a perfect memory for tons of facts, especially in history subjects that interested him. He described at the end of the book meeting another savant (whom Rain Man was based on) and that individual too, could name dates just as instantly and accurately.

  3. Myself, I'm the opposite. Can't remember dates very well, takes me a moment sometimes to remember the ages of those in my family even.


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