Aug 31, 2009

9 for '09 Complete!

I've finished my third reading challenge, the 9 for '09 Challenge! For this challenge I read nine books of various categories. I had to find a few replacements for ones that didn't work for me, so the ones I ended up reading were:

My Beaver Colony by Lars Wilsson
Letters from a Nut by Ted Nancy
Kon-Tiki by Thor Heyerdahl
The Sheepdog by Tim Longton
Chalice by Robin McKinley
Emma by Jane Austen
Sand by Will James
The Grail War by Richard Monaco
Daughters of the Sunstone by Sydney van Scyoc


  1. That is awesome Jeane! Doesn't it feel goooooood? I guess that means you can join another one now, right?

  2. Well.... I already have three more on my plate, but I'm keeping my eyes open in case there's another I might be interested in! So many people are doing the RIP challenge now, but scary books are just not me. And I'm trying (inadequately) to host my own, as well...

  3. That's great, Jeane! Congrats on finishing the challenge!

  4. Congratulations!

    You beat me and I am the hostess!


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