Mar 18, 2010

bookmarks winners!

Forgot yesterday to do the drawing for fawn bookmarks, so here it is today! There were five entrants

1. Bermudaonion
2. Jenny
3. Lezlie
4. Sandy J.
5. Carolsnotebook

I asked to give me two numbers and they were 4 and 1

so the winners are

Sandy J. and Bermudaonion!

Happy readers, email me your address (jeanenevarez AT gmail DOT com) and I'll be sending a pink deer to mark you pages!


  1. I'm so excited to have won one of your beautiful bookmarks! I've emailed my address to you. Congratulations, Sandy!

  2. Congrats to the winners! :)

  3. My beautiful bookmark came today! Thanks so much Jeane!

  4. Anonymous3/20/2010

    Congrats you two!

    Jeane - why is it that half the time when I click on the link the Url you leave with your comment it takes to some weird Mega Bible studies site? Am I the only one that happens to?

  5. Bermudaonion- I'm so glad you like it!

    Carolsnotebook- That is so strange. Do you mean the link that is my name (generated automatically) or a link I've left in the comment? does it go to the same site every time? I'd like to figure this out!


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