Aug 26, 2015

still book blogging

for eight years now. My blogiversary was last wednesday, and I didn't even notice (I was actually gone on a trip). And like before, there's not much to note, things are pretty much the same. The book stacks are piling up, the to-be-read list is getting longer, and I still stand before my bookshelves some days and just breathe a big sigh, admire all their patient spines and remember why I want to read them again and again. I don't think this love will ever die.
Thanks to all of you for joining me on this never-ending journey between the pages, and fostering my bookish habits! Those lists are every-longer because of you (I rarely browse shelves at random anymore).


  1. Happy bloggiversary Jeane. :)

    I guess the good news for book lovers is that there are plenty of books to be read!

  2. Happy blog anniversary! Thank goodness for books!

  3. Happy blogging anniversary! It was my 8th this year too - I can't believe I'm still doing this. I mean that in a good way, of course :P

  4. Happy happy blogging birthday!

  5. Happy bloganniversary! Yay!

  6. Edit: Oops, when I set up the feed from your blog, it took a bunch of your old posts and sent them through as current. Well a belated happy anniversary anyway! :)

  7. Hey, I don't mind! It was just last month- sometimes I forget it's been another year until september anyway.

  8. Happy belated anniversary!


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