All of the stories in The Birth of Love seemed to me to have a common theme of lack of control, on the part of those giving birth. Not only the women going through childbirth, but also those, in a sense, birthing new ideas. Semmelweis suffered mental agonies trying to make his ideas of cleanliness a reality that would save the lives of childbearing women. The fictional author Michael Stone is overwhelmed by events when his book is finally published (or "born")- being hustled here and there to events planned by others, forced into meetings with strangers, etc. The mother in London expects her second birth to be easier than the first, but instead finds herself struggling through hours of pain and finally capitulates to being moved to the hospital, things not at all going the way she'd planned. And of course the dystopian story is all about women having lost control of their bodies, not only can they never give birth, but some are forced to work in "sexual release centers" solely to please men, and when one does bear her own child, others refuse to even acknowledge that it happened.
I found every one of these storylines intriguing, even though none of the segments really went into the kind of character depth I love. After finishing the book, I was anxious to read more about Semmelweis and discover what finally convinced doctors in later years to follow his practices (germ theory was not yet known when he claimed that handwashing would stop the spread of contagion). Being interested in things bookish, I was curious to read about the turmoil the author went through after his words, written in solitude, were suddenly thrust into the public view and scrutinized. I could really relate to the woman in London, who worried about how her first child would adjust to having a new sibling, while she anticipated her new baby's arrival (although I thought it amusing that every time the older child- still not quite talking clearly- needed distracting he was offered food or drink. Didn't they ever give him a toy or game, but always ply him with food?). And of course it's always horrifyingly fascinating to think of the future and what extreme measures might be taken if we actually do destroy our planet with global warming, pollution and overcrowding, as the final tale vividly portrays.
Altogether a most interesting book. The interweaving of birthing themes kept me intent. I borrowed this one from the public library, read it after seeing the review on Farm Lane Books Blog.
Rating: 3/5 ........ 304 pages, 2010
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Savidge Reads
Reading Books, Reading Stories, Reading Life
Your review seems very positive considering that you only gave it 3/5. I loved this book, but I wonder if that is because I have had children so recently and so all the emotions were fresh in my mind. I thought all the stories were gripping, but agree that the depth of character wasn't really there. I think I was able to forgive this because there were so many different plot threads. The emotion was there and I thought that made up for it.
ReplyDeleteI am always curious about the whole thing of how to organize preparing a kid to have a new sibling. I remember my parents telling us when they got pregnant with my sister, and we were all excited and got to have an extra cookie. That's basically the extent of my memory of that issue. :p
ReplyDeleteFarm Lane- Well, a 3/5 in my rating system means a good book- one I am happy to recommend but just don't quite love enough to go buy for my own shelves. Probably if it had a little more depth I would have given it a 4. I just didn't feel that passionate about it.
ReplyDeleteJenny- My daughter is old enough to have some idea of what a baby sister will be like- the crying, neediness, etc. but I think it's still going to be quite a shock for her! I grew up with an older sister and was pretty young when my two other sisters were born, so I don't remember what it was like adjusting. But my mom says I was jealous of my youngest sister for a long time!
This one sounds really interesting. I think it's always a bit of a shock when a new sibling arrives, no matter how much you try and prepare your children.
ReplyDeleteWe got our son his own little baby to take care of when I was pregnant with his brother. He was very accepting of the baby and so good with him when he was born. My favorite part though was when my husband brought him to see us at the hospital and he kept asking why the baby had to come home with us and why we couldn't just leave it at the hospital!