May 27, 2008

book giveaway

Win a free book!
This week's giveaway includes two novels by Kaye Gibbons:

Sights Unseen and A Cure for Dreams. Both copies used to reside in a public library, but they're in excellent condition! To enter, leave a comment by fri 5/30. Mention this giveaway on your blog, let me know about it and you get two entries.


  1. Sounds like two very good books. Congrats to Steph!!

  2. They both look interesting. I'll give it a try.

  3. I'd love to read these! I read "Ellen Foster" years ago and remember it was very good.

  4. I'm looking for a new book to read right now, so I'm in. I'll mention your book give-a-way on my LJ and create a link to it there. My LJ does not get a lot of readers, but one never know...

  5. Anonymous5/29/2008

    I think Dr. Dad would like these books

  6. Is that Jen? He entered my last giveaway... Terra's got two entries for this one, hee hee!

  7. Anonymous5/29/2008

    I love Kaye Gibbons - but haven't read these, so count me in!

  8. Anonymous5/30/2008

    Me, please! I read "On the Occasion of My Last Afternoon" and loved it, so I'd like to read more of her.

    p.s. I LOVE your blog! How do you find the time to read so many books? I also have a book blog and fully intend on mentioning your site on mine :)

  9. Amy- I actually only read a book or two a week. The rest of the reviews here are of books I've read over the past several years, as best I remember them. I'm going back through my lists, which I've kept since 2000.

  10. Anonymous5/30/2008

    Two books a week is a LOT! Bravo to you. I would love to be able to read that fast :)


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